+ Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Bob Walterscheid on their 61st wedding anniversary. For those who don't know, the Walterscheid family has been at St. Anthony since the beginnings of the parish. The second stained glass window (I believe) on the north side is the Walterscheid family window. It's the one school boy Bob imagined that the Blessed Virgin looked like she was sliding into second base!
+ Father Jirak received a gift from Dan and Becky Fruend: A biretta that fits!
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Stacie Alvarez |
+ A well informed and bright woman contacted me about the theological differences between the two forms of the Latin rite, or more precisely, what the opinion of this blog's authors were on the theological differences. I shied away from responding publicly as this can get very messy with extreme views on either end book-ending the work-a-day Catholic point of view. Any thoughts on this matter?
+ I just noticed (I'm so busy I am not online much these days) that the missionary family Alvarez are expecting another child though I am sure you all already knew that! Stacie is 38 weeks along at the time of her Friday Facebook post. Their blogs have links in the right column of this page though they update Facebook more often.
To post a comment, ask a question, or submit an article contact me, Mark, at bumpy187@gmail.com.
..and now for the necessaries.
Please note: St. Anthony Catholic Church is one of only two churches celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass (EFLR) in the Wichita area. Though this blog is loosely centered around this parish and it's members, Venite Missa Est! is by no means, in any way an official voice of, or for, St. Anthony Parish or the Diocese of Wichita. Venite Missa Est! is strictly a private layman's endeavor.
“Blessings at the Table”
St. Peters List
1. Ante Prandium
“Before Lunch”
The Priest: May God bless you.
All: May God bless you.
The Priest: The eyes of all
And all continue: hope in You, Lord, and You give them food at a seasonable time. You open your hand, and you fill every living thing with blessing. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Our Father… [continue in silence up to:]
V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil.
The Priest then says: Bless us, O Lord, and these Your gifts, which we are about to receive from Your bounty. Through Christ Our Lord.
R. Amen.
Then the Lector says: Bishop, we ask your blessing.
The Priest: May the King of eternal glory make us partakers in his heavenly meal.
R. Amen.
2. Post Prandium
“After Lunch”
The Lector begins: Do you, Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Thanks be to God.
All rise. The Priest: May all your works confess You, Lord.
R. And may Your saints bless You. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Priest continues: We give You thanks, almighty God, for all Your benefices: Who live and reign for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
The following psalm is then said by all: Praise the Lord, all nations, Praise him, all peoples. For His mercy has been confirmed upon us, and the truth of the Lord remains forever. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Our Father… [continue in silence up to:]
V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil.
V. He distributed and gave to the poor.
R. His justice remains for ever and ever.
V. I shall bless the Lord at all times.
R. His praise will always be in my mouth.
V. In the Lord my soul will rejoice.
R. Let the meek hear, and let them rejoice.
V. Magnify the Lord with me.
R. And let us exalt His name together.
V. Let the name of the Lord be blessed.
R. From now and forevermore.
The Priest: Deign, Lord, to reward all of us doing good for Your name with eternal life. R. Amen.
V. Let us bless the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
R. Amen.
Our Father… [all in silence]
V. May God grant us his peace.
R. Amen.
3. Ante Coenam
“Before Dinner”
The Priest: May God bless you.
All: May God bless you.
The Priest: The poor will eat
And all continue: and will be satisfied, and they will praise the Lord, who longs for them: let their hearts live for ever and ever. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Our Father… [continue in silence up to:]
V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil.
The Priest then says: Bless us, O Lord, and these Your gifts, which we are about to receive from Your bounty. Through Christ Our Lord.
R. Amen.
Then the Lector says: Bishop, we ask your blessing.
The Priest: May the King of eternal glory make lead us to the meal of eternal life.
R. Amen.
4. In Fine Coenae
“At the End of Dinner”
The Lector begins: Do you, Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Thanks be to God.
All rise. The Priest: The merciful and compassionate Lord has made a remembrance of his wondrous works. He has given food to those fearing him. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Priest continues: Blessed is God in His gifts, and holy in all His works, Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
The following psalm is then said by all: Praise the Lord, all nations, Praise him, all peoples. For His mercy has been confirmed upon us, and the truth of the Lord remains forever. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Our Father… [continue in silence up to:]
V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil.
V. He distributed and gave to the poor.
R. His justice remains for ever and ever.
V. I shall bless the Lord at all times.
R. His praise will always be in my mouth.
V. In the Lord my soul will rejoice.
R. Let the meek hear, and let them rejoice.
V. Magnify the Lord with me.
R. And let us exalt His name together.
V. Let the name of the Lord be blessed.
R. From now and forevermore.
The Priest: Deign, Lord, to reward all of us doing good for Your name with eternal life. R. Amen.
V. Let us bless the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. R. Amen.
Our Father… [all in silence]
V. May God grant us his peace.
R. Amen.
And he adds: V. May the Lord grant to us, who do good works, heavenly rewards instead of earthly reward, eternal rewards instead of temporal rewards.
R. Amen.
5. In Caena Serotina
“At collations: the small second meal allowed on fast days”
Lector: May God bless you.
The Priest gives the blessing, saying: May Christ, King of angels, bless this meal of His servants.
R. Amen.
Funeral of An Old Friend: What is a Catholic Burial?
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