Hey you. Yeah you. Where's the article you've been meaning to send? I know you have one. What about that first communion picture of your great Grandfather back in 1926? That would make a nice post. You say your niece got married in Duluth? Send the picture. Oh I see...your more scholarly and have some thoughts on adding new prefaces to the Missal of 1962? Well, send it along.
The videos aren't fitting into the posts...they are cut off. You can always go to YouTube to view them if need be. In the meantime let me fiddle with the HTML to get the proper dimensions.
The videos aren't fitting into the posts...they are cut off. You can always go to YouTube to view them if need be. In the meantime let me fiddle with the HTML to get the proper dimensions.
To post a comment, ask a question, or submit an article contact me, Mark, at bumpy187@gmail.com.
..and now for the necessaries.
Please note: St. Anthony Catholic Church is one of only two churches celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass (EFLR) in the Wichita area. Though this blog is loosely centered around this parish and it's members, Venite Missa Est! is by no means, in any way an official voice of, or for, St. Anthony Parish or the Diocese of Wichita. Venite Missa Est! is strictly a private layman's endeavor.
St. John the Baptist
1st Class Feast
Commemoration Fourth Sunday After Pentecost at Lauds, Mass and Vespers
John the Baptist was the son of Zachary, a priest of the Temple in Jerusalem, and Elizabeth, a kinswoman of Mary who visited her.
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John the Baptist, by Joan de Joanes, ca. 1560 |
He was probably born at Ain-Karim southwest of Jerusalem after the Angel Gabriel had told Zachary that his wife would bear a child even though she was an old woman. He lived as a hermit in the desert of Judea until about A.D. 27. When he was thirty, he began to preach on the banks of the Jordan against the evils of the times and called men to penance and baptism "for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand". He attracted large crowds, and when Christ came to him, John recognized Him as the Messiah and baptized Him, saying, "It is I who need baptism from You".
When Christ left to preach in Galilee, John continued preaching in the Jordan valley. Fearful of his great power with the people, Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Perea and Galilee, had him arrested and imprisoned at Machaerus Fortress on the Dead Sea when John denounced his adultrous and incestuous marriage with Herodias, wife of his half brother Philip.
John was beheaded at the request of Salome, daughter of Herodias, who asked for his head at the instigation of her mother. John inspired many of his followers to follow Christ when he designated Him "the Lamb of God," among them Andrew and John, who came to know Christ through John's preaching.
John is presented in the New Testament as the last of the Old Testament prophets and the precursor of the Messiah. His feast day is June 24th and the feast for his beheading is August 29th.
Trappist Caskets
Handmade caskets from the monks of New Melleray Abbey, est. 1849
I just turned the corner and had a birthday this past Friday and have been thinking of end of life issues (ya never know). I am planning on buying one of these caskets from the Trappist monks. I hope I won't need it for a very long time though.
Trappist Caskets is a work of the self-sufficient monks of New Melleray Abbey, located near Dubuque, Iowa. We are monks of the Roman Catholic Church who belong to the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, known as Trappists. The simple and yet structured Trappist day begins with our first prayers at 3:30 a.m. The life of a Trappist monk is wholly ordered to contemplation, as we are guided by the mandate to “Let nothing be preferred to the work of God.”
Founded in 1849, New Melleray Abbey was established at the time of the great famine by the monks of Mt. Melleray Abbey in County Waterford, Ireland.
As Cistercians, we follow the ancient monastic Rule of St. Benedict. Consistent with that rule, our vocation is expressed in a hidden life of silent prayer, community liturgy, and manual labor. Simple living is one of the hallmarks of our life. We support ourselves by the work of our hands.
New Melleray Abbey launched Trappist Caskets in 1999, when we began selling caskets and urns directly to families at wholesale costs. Our work at Trappist Caskets provides us with both meaningful work and vital financial support. We view our casket business as a ministry – a corporal work of mercy. We hope to impart a sense of sanctity into all that we make.
Throughout the course of a day, the sound of bells call us to prayer, to spiritual reading, to manual labor, or to simple enjoyment of the company of our brothers.
While it’s become commercially strategic these days for companies to talk about becoming “eco-friendly”, we at New Melleray Abbey have been guided by the spiritual mandate to practice responsible stewardship for over 160 years. Consequently, we work hard to be sustainable, even if it means less profit or slower production. Much of the wood we use is taken directly from our own award-winning 1200 acre forest. We manage our forest to be a diverse eco-system. Our plan calls for continuous forest improvement, which includes planting far more trees than we will ever harvest. In fact, a new tree is planted as a living memorial to every person who uses a Trappist casket or urn.
We are not a high volume manufacturer. We work at a monastic pace, paying close attention to detail. Our artisans employ techniques perfected through generations – producing caskets and urns of unique quality.
Stand Up for Religious Freedom
God Helps those Who Help Themselves
Submitted by Mark Llamas
By all means support Kansans for Life, your freedoms and what is ultimately your God given moral rights and attend the religious freedom rallies and events listed in this post.
I wonder, and I speak for myself .....how it is that those who find their spiritual fruit in the Traditional Latin Mass at St. Anthony, the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite, do not have "religious freedom" to worship fully in the manner in which we see fit? Why must we settle for anything less than the full battery of the seven sacraments? Why are we being made to feel as second class citizens when all we want to do is worship as the Saints did, as our parents did and, what is ultimately, what our conscious tells us to do?
His Holiness Benedict XVI stated, "What earlier generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church's faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place."
Furthermore: "The faithful are entitled to request ALL the Sacraments according to their traditional rites (e.g. baptisms, confirmations, nuptial masses, requiems, etc.)"
We are not the bogey man...we are not schismatic...we are not "radical"... we are normal, hard working, faithful American Catholics who only want to be in communion with Rome and support His Holiness Benedict XVI when he wishes the EFLR be in every parish.
Then what of "religious freedom"?
Replies to this post:- I have been reading your blog for sometime. In your most recent post of Thursday, you mention your thoughts on religious freedom. I totally agree with you...
- Well spoken, Amen.
- ...other diocese had invited them (FSSP) in and they were able to have axcess to all Sacraments etc.
Kansans for Life
Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies & Events
Submitted by Larry Bethel
People of all faith traditions are beginning to understand the current threat to religious freedom. The HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, has essentially mandated that people of faith violate their consciences and the teachings of their church and follow the dictates of the HHS.
More about the mandate, but first here is a calendar of events for the coming weeks.
A Fortnight for Freedom
The bishops of the United States have called for “A Fortnight for Freedom,” the two-week period from June 21 to July 4—beginning with the feasts of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher and ending with Independence Day—to focus “all the energies the Catholic community can muster” for religious liberty. They also asked that, later in the year, the feast of Christ the King be “a day specifically employed by bishops and priests to preach about religious liberty, both here and abroad.”
Mass, Procession, & Speakers on Thursday, June 21st
Bishop Michael Jackels, of the diocese of Wichita, will celebrate Mass at 6:00pm in Good Shepherd Chapel on the Topeka street side of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral. Follow Mass, there will be a procession to the Federal Building at 3rd & Market. We will pray and listen to some remarks for community and church leaders. Entire event could last until 8:00pm
Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally on Friday, June 22nd
The monthly Prayer Rally will take place at noon on Friday, June 22nd at the Federal Building in downtown Wichita at 3rd & Market. The Prayer Rally lasts one hour.
Panel Discussion of the HHS Mandate, Wednesday, June 27th
There will be a panel discussion of the HHS mandate at St. Francis of Assisi Church at 861 N. Socora (One long block north & west of Central & Typer Rd). The discussion starts at 7:00pm and will take place in Cana Hall.
Statewide Rally for Religious Freedom, Friday, June 29th
The Bishops of Kansas have organized a Rally for Religious Freedom on the south steps of the State Capitol Building in Topeka, KS. The Rally lasts from 2:00 to 3:30. Everyone is invited to take this public stand in support of our Constitution Right of Freedom of Religion.
There is some room left of buses headed to Topeka. Make your reservation now by going to:
There are also a limited number of yard signs available that say, “We Pray for Protection for Religious Freedom”. The signs are $5.00 and you can order one by calling the Respect Life and Social Justice office of the Diocese of Wichita at 269-3900. If you order yours now, you can pick it up at the Rally in Topeka or at the Wichita Chancery Office.
Pray during the fortnight for an end to religious persecution and a restoration of religious freedom in our country.
A Little More Explanation of the Mandate
I think most of us know that this country was founded by those who came here to escape religious persecution.
This was so important that the first Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
We have been told many times that this means there is a separation of church and state but what it really means is the government cannot establish or declare an official religion in this country, NOR can the government prohibit the free practice of a religion.
Pretty simple and we have taken this for granted for many years.
However, in August of last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said they were going to require that virtually all private health care plans must cover sterilizations, abortifacients (that is drugs that cause an abortion), and contraception. This applies to the vast majority of faith based organizations.
There was a period when the public was invited to voice their opinion, and many of the Bishops and Cardinals, as well as citizens voiced their opposition.
However, on January 20, 2012, the rule / mandate became final.
In one year, the providers of health insurance both private and religious must pay for sterilizations, abortifacients, and contraception.
The argument is not about theology. It’s not about abortion. It’s not pro-life versus pro-choice. It’s not about birth control.
It’s about freedom.
Aside from this direct assault on the faith of practicing Catholics, the fact that a cabinet secretary can do this without an act of Congress and mandate that someone must do something that he or she as a matter of personal ethics or faith would otherwise never do, is an assault on the country’s very foundation.
Please try to attend some or all of these events.
Yours for LIFE,
David Gittrich
State Development Director
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